Record Accidents, Incidents, Near Misses, Abuse, and Ill Health at Work.
Use the eVolution Incident Reporting app to record essential information and store up to 1000 events such as, Accidents, Incidents, Near Misses, Dangerous Occurrences, Abuse and Ill Health at Work using detailed forms.Classify events and incidents by Report Date, Division, Department, and/or Location and update records as more information is availableThe eVolution Incident Reporting app allows you to generate a PDF for each event to store in local folder or print. PDFs can also be e-mailed to colleagues and third-party agencies.Views events online that have been reported this month, this year, last month and last year or since reporting started.Optional:(1) upgrade to multi-user version and store shared data on the eVolution cloud servers;(2) email/telephone support and/ or customisation.According to the Health and Safety Executive in 2015/16, 1.3 million people suffered a work related illness, 144 were killed at work, 30.4 million working days were lost and there was a £14.1 billion estimated cost due to incidents, injuries and work based ill health in the UK.The evolution 2017 incident reporting app can help reduce risk around the workplace, track ill health and monitor abuse by looking at trends in the data recorded and identifying areas that need focus by the Health and Safety manager.Many incidents occur when no online connection is available, for example when on a construction site or if working underground. Detailed notes of the incident must still be taken as soon as possible. The eVolution Incident Reporting app allows you to create PDF and in-app reports with no online connection required. The user is then able to forward the incident report when a connection becomes available.eVolution 2017 Incident Reporting app is part of the Health and Safety Systems UK product suite.Health and Safety Systems was formed in 2000 with the focus of bringing an IT orientated approach to Health and Safety Management. Since then, through a combination of experience, innovation and client collaboration we have remained at the leading edge of management, compliance and risk reporting systems.For further information on our management systems, please contact
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